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St. Francis Fraternity Animator: 

St. Thomas More Region Animator: Dot Himes

Region JPIC Website Page, Visit:


“In the spirit of conversion, they should live out their love for the renewal of the Church, which should be accompanied by personal and communal renewal. The fruits of conversion, which is a response to the love of God, as works of charity are the interactions with the brothers and sisters” General Constitution, Article 13.2.

This newly release Encyclical letter, Laudato Si from the Holy Father, Francis on the Care for Our Common Home is available here.


JPIC Messages:

JPIC Formation - Initial and Ongoing


To reinforce the appreciation of the dignity of the human person in the choices made in our professed lives by responding in charity and patience to all we meet and to respond as Franciscans to anything which would denigrate the dignity of the human person, beginning with our own personal communications with one another. 

 To assist in the living out of obedience to the common good as intended by God so that the professed Secular Franciscan builds up all that is good for all of Creation and does nothing which would damage the fabric of communal interdependence. 

 To strengthen the professed Secular Franciscans’ commitment to solidarity with all of Creation enabling them to make those choices in life which would bring about a more fraternal and evangelical world.  
~ From the FUN Manual


The guiding texts for being a Secular who does justice are the Gospels, our Holy Rule and our rich and prolific Catholic Social Teaching. Studying and following these texts on a consistent basis must be an inherent part of being a Secular Franciscan. - JPIC Handbook

Faith in Action

Charitable Works are our "response to immediate needs and specific situations: feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, caring for and healing the sick, visiting those in prison, etc." (Deus Caritas Est, no. 31). We step with the Charitable Works foot when we work to aid or assist others both locally and globally to meet their immediate, short-term needs. Examples include engaging in direct service or providing food, clothing, shelter, or monetary assistance to help those in need.   
~ The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)


Please visit our resource page on the St. Thomas More JPIC page.

National JPIC Animator

Carolyn D. Townes, OFS


Prayer gives us the direction through the Holy Spirit to hear with an open heart the plights of those who are suffering in our world.  Prayer also, renews and strengthens us to start or persevere in our apostolates so that we're capable of helping others.



O Lord, our God, we intend to make present the charism of our Seraphic Father Francis in the life and mission of the Church, in various ways and forms but in life-giving union with one another. By our profession, we pledge ourselves to live the Gospel in the manner of St Francis by means of our Rule approved by the Church (Arts. 1-3). Help us, we pray, so that daily we may..." Page 25 JPIC Handbook  

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