Light of Nations
April 11, 2023
We often forget that Christ offers his wisdom, guidance and protection to all the world. All he asks is that we believe in him and in his Father, who sent him to be a "light to the world and hope for those who have no hope."
Light and hope are blessings. And why not? Our Lord is the Giver of Blessings. From the start, from the very first moment when God called light to appear in the dark chaos of the universe, we have been blessed and blessed again, beyond comprehension, beyond every ability to repay. As the author says "How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me? I will take up the cup of salvation. I will call upon his Name...!"
Now we have come into the Season of Easter, a time of tremendous joy and marvelous blessings. We are the people who have seen the Great Light of the Incarnation, followed him in his journey to Golgatha and beyond into the Day of the Lord. Yes, after resting on the Seventh day, God has given us a new day--an Eighth Day, which never ends. This is the Day of Salvation where Eucharist is our constant and unshuttered light. We do not walk in darkness but rather by the light of Christ who shines for all humanity. He is the Light of Nations, the Light who has come into the world.
How shall we live then? How shall we reply to this great gift? Francis showed us a way, simple, small, merciful, serving others, making every moment of every day count. There are as many ways to do this as there are individual Franciscans. Some will pray. Others will labor. Still others will travel and explore, meeting new people, bringing the light of hope and mercy. This is the life we have embraced, the life we are all called to. Let's dedicate ourselves in new ways to being a light for the world.
At our April Fraternity gathering we will renew our commitment to our Order. This commitment is the "solid rock" on which we stand, when the wind blows and the storm presses. This is the stone on which we set our lampstand to light the whole House of the world. Not by shouting or making a great noise, not by Big Programs or by show, but by love, simplicity, honesty and talking with others; these are the tools we use. Come and join us Sunday, April 16th at 1:30 pm in the Church Basement Community Hall for a special talk about our history at St. Mary's. Initial Formation will be shortened so that everyone can gather. We will begin our regular Gathering right after the lecture and hope to meet a lot of curious people, so be ready with a smile and a greeting!
May God bless us all on our Easter Journey!